Not possible to access wp-admin screen

Hi there, I have just imported my own website. If I navigate into the front page everything (Except some images) seems to be ok. But if i go to web/wp-admin, I receive a fatal error:

Maximum function nesting level of ‘256’ reached

How can I fixe that “nesting level” issue?


Hi David,

That error is most likely from a plugin or theme. I would browse to the site’s wp-content folder and move out themes and/or plugins until the admin starts to load.

Once it loads you should have a good idea of what plugin or theme was causing the issue.

Thank you. I have done so and located which plugin is blocking me.

But as soon as I reinstall it… problem appears again. Is there any workaround for this? Not being able to work in my clients’ sites without some plugins is not an option for me

It may be caused by Xdebug. If you’re not using it, see this specific post I made on how to disable it: Speed Issues on Local Machine. Or, you can increase the nesting limit by adjusting (or adding) xdebug.max_nesting_level to the php.ini file and setting it to a high value like 500.

Also, you can switch to the Preferred environment which doesn’t have Xdebug by exporting the site and then re-importing it.