One of theme Quincy is not working in Local setup

I have successfully downloaded Local Wordpress setup on Mac. there is one of theme Quincy on which I am working is not workable on Local setup where as the same theme is perfectly working on Bitnami Stack installation on same machine. Attached screen shot

I am using Local Wordpress because it is seem less installation for multiple instances of sites compare to Bitnami or any other stack for wordpress. But notice Local has some performance issues compare to other installation for same situation, such as bitnami, XAMP, WAMP .

Can you please advice what is the problem in local for this theme is not workable as theme option setup in theme. Required plugin is perfectly installed and activated.

I have notice after doing further investigation why this theme Quincy theme options are not working. Notice that this theme option has used “Vafpress Framework” for building WP themes as a developer which is not working perfectly on Local installation where as working with bitnami stack installation.

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