Problems with Router mode

What issue or error are you experiencing?


I’m trying to create a new blank site in Local on my Mac using the latest version of Local (Version 8.2.0+6554) and it keeps nagging me that there’s a conflict in Local, constantly wants to switch to Localhost mode. I only have Local and Safari running and if I use this command in the Terminal:

sudo lsof -i:80; sudo lsof -tnP -i:80 | xargs -n 1 ps -p

I can only see nginx running IPv4 and IPv6.

This happens with all my other current project sites in Local.
How can I get this up and running in Router mode “Site domains”?

Best regards and Happy Holidays!

System Details

  • Local Version: 8.2.0+6554

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version: Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71)

Hi @Yngve

Are you running a lot of sites in Local at the same time?

Do you have any sites utilizing Apache?

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications installed that could be running in the background?

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

Hi @Nick-B, thanks for the reply!

No it happens if I only have one site running, and it also happens with the sites I have tested. I have 24 sites in total, but haven’t tested them all. Perhaps 8-9 sites that I have tested so far, has this issue.

No, running nginx only, no Apache.

I do not run any antivirus, security or firewall on my Mac…perhaps I should :wink:

No other software running other than Local and Safari. When I first started to have this issue, I did have Mail, Photoshop etc open. But I then tried to restart my Mac and only run Local and Safari.

Hi @Yngve

Can you share your Local Log here? There are some different ways to access and share Local Logs. For us to be able to troubleshoot thoroughly, please click the Download Local Logs button from the Support tab in Local. This will generate a zip archive that contains the Local log along with some other diagnostic information to help quickly zero in on any issues that Local is encountering.

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