Restore to another computer

Issue Summary

Back up in one computer and restore full site on another computer.
Is this working?

You can now work on your Local sites from any machine and collaborate better with others! With the latest updates to the Cloud Backups Add-on, you can save a backup of your site on one machine, switch to another machine, and create a site from your backup on another instance of Local to pick up your work right where you left off.
(from the latest newsletter sent by local)

It should be working!

I have it on my list to update the help doc with a section that goes into a bit more detail, but the process is pretty straight forward. All you do is:

  1. Take a backup on the first machine.
  2. On the second machine, ensure that Cloud Backups is installed and active and that you’re logged into your Local account.
  3. Create a new site and note that there’s an option to create the site from an existing backup.

Have you tried that workflow? Did you encounter issues? If you are having problems, can you describe in a little more detail what provider is being used along with what things are going wrong?

Hi Ben,
Thanks for following up.
I have just tested this feature and it worked great.
My original site was on a windows machine, I backed it up to Dropbox and then created a site on my mac from that backup.


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