Setup or clone hangs while "Provisioning MySQL"

Since December when I first installed, I have been having the following issue:

Whenever I install or clone a site onto my secondary haddrive (internal) or any external drive/memory, the setup process just hangs on “Provisioning MySQL”.

No error message, it just seems like it’s still busy - but even after several hours the created folder size remains at 34kb.

It works fine when installing a site in a folder on my main boot disk.

Mine keeps hanging too. :frowning: I’m at the point of trying Local out. If I can’t get it to create a single site, my next search will be ‘How to get rid off Local by Flywheel?’

Sorry, I can’t be of help, but I didn’t want to create another threat as it seems the same issue.

For now it’s best to use your primary Mac volume.


Can you please provide your log file? You can find it by going to Help » Reveal Local’s Log.

local-by-flywheel.log (48.3 KB)

It looks like the import process for the image failed so I would recommend doing the following:

  1. Quit Local if it’s running
  2. Go to ~/Library/Application Support/ and remove the whole Local by Flywheel directory as long as you didn’t have existing sites that were working
  3. Open
  4. Power off and remove the local-by-flywheel VM
  5. Re-open Local

Step 4: ‘Remove only’ vs ‘Delete All Files’?

Delete All Files

It keeps hanging on ‘Provisioning MySQL’, unless I quit LOCAL, then restart it, but then I end up exactly where I was when I wrote on the forum.

Very sorry for the trouble!

Can you provide your log file again?

Sure, here it is…local-by-flywheel.log (67.8 KB)

Btw. I left the web starting, while I went out of the office and it still has not started (4+ hrs)

Anything happening? My problems persist…

Unfortunately it looks like Docker is consistently failing to import the Local image and is having issues with the Docker Machine on your computer.

I wish I had a better answer but we’ll continue looking into this!

Ok, I shall wait with the uninstall as it’s only fair to give you a chance to fix this. Have you got any idea how long this might take?

BUMP! Any news or still ‘looking into it’? :wink: