Site stuck in loading

Site stuck in loading.

When I click to start the site it gives a red square and the option to stop it as expected. When I try to “WP Admin” or “Open Site” it will open my chrome browser but never do anything.

Troubleshooting Questions

  • Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one in particular? Just one - Aesir Corgis

  • Are you able to create a new, plain WordPress site in Local and access it in a Browser? Yes


Open local > Start Site > WP Admin/Open Site > Opens Browser > Tab says “loading…” with spinning wheel. Never gives an error display in chrome nor in the error log.

System Details

  • Which version of Local is being used - 6.4.0+5927

  • What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used? - Windows 11 home

  • Attach the Local Log: (163.8 KB)

Issue happens in both Chrome and Firefox.

So when left long enough it eventually gives a “Request Timed Out - 504” and logged an error in the log:

32364#13504: *2 upstream timed out (10060: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond) while reading response header from upstream

Attempting to switch to Apache and just see what happens.

Hi, did switching to apache web server fixed the issue? I have been facing this issue for 2 weeks now. I don’t have another backup of the website. I don’t know what to do.

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