@clay I am on Version 2.2.4 of Flywheel
Please update to Local 2.3.2 here: Local by Flywheel 2.3.2
Versions older than Local 2.3.0 do not support 32-bit Windows.
Sorry for the confusion!
@clay Ok, I am now going to install 2.3.2 but May I know why this update is not showing when checking from about section of Software even on your website it is not available .
New releases are not immediately released to the auto-updater. 2.3.2 is tentatively scheduled to go to the auto-updater on July 9th
Now I getting this error while Installing latest version
Thanks for the screenshot.
In that case, restart your computer and then re-open Local. Sometimes VirtualBox requires a restart.
thank you it works ^ _ ^ thank you for your patience and have me all explain all is rigth now
No problem! Glad I could help
How do I PM? Cause I am pretty new to this and I kinda have the same issue. But I cant see where I am suppose to send a private message.
I’m having the same problem! It can’t open correctly, I’m stuck on “Checking system”… Can you please help me with this ? Here’s my Local’s log file : local-by-flywheel.log (116.0 KB)
Thank you!
I am facing the same situation local keep giving me checking system message and stuck on it here are my log fileslocal-by-flywheel.log (277.1 KB)
Hello !
I have the same problem …
I’ve tried to restart computer, but it doesn’t work. I am working on Mac (Sierra 10.13.3) and Local by Flywheel is the version 3.0.4.
Could you help me please ?
I have the same problem on Mac (Mojave) and Local by Flywheel is 3.0.4.
Log is attached local-by-flywheel.log (18.7 KB)
Any help appreciated.
Ignore me - I had to install VirtualBox!
I have downloaded the latest version. yet I am getting stuck on checking system part. what do I need to do? I am working on windows 10
can you help me too? I am using windows 10 and stuck with the same problem. I don’t know how to send you log files. please help.
I have also installed virtual box from the link you gave in the FAQ section. I was able to locate the log file… but your instructions here are not neat and clean. I am not able to install local by flywheel as no matter what it gets stuck on checking system
Hi there,
Tried 2-3 solving processes.
- Updated VM
- Turned off Anti-virus
- Forced start Local
The current version of local is V3.3 and VM Virtualbox V6.0.12
local-by-flywheel.log (594.9 KB)
Thank you in advance👍
Hey, there…
Anybody can guide us what to do about flywheel local matter.
We need to back up our sites to clean up the PCs but we can not access the programs interface.