"Too Many Connections" when using Live Link is Frustrating

The “Too Many Connections” error when using Live Link is frustrating. I get the error immediately upon activation of the Live Link feature, and I am the only user clicking on the NGROK link.

Is there a way to link a paid NGROK account to Local, or is this something that will be addressed in the Pro version?

I cannot stress how much I love this feature…However, it is completely unreliable as it stands right now.


Hi Martin,

I understand the frustration! This is something that will be changed in one of the upcoming major releases of Local. We plan on moving away from ngrok and running the tunnel on our own platform.

In the meantime, you can minify and concatenate your CSS/JS to reduce the number of requests. Here are two popular plugins that can handle this:

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Not sure I would recommend W3 Total Cache any longer. Poor dev responsiveness and updating.

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I have the same problem. I’d REALLY like to use this feature, so I hope the fix is forthcoming. The caching plugins dis not help in my case.

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Will that mean we can create our own custom subdomain for live link? e.g. site-name.livelink.io etc.

I still have this problem. Damn. Even after one click I receive this :confused:


Yep, this is an issue. In my particular use case, I’m trying to share backend login with support, and I just learned that ngrok chokes on /wp-admin with this “too many connections”.

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