Unable to access wordpress from local ok in the past

Used to access wordpress OK via Local before setting up real hosting (dinahosting - wordpress is on their server). Now getting error. I did not transfer my local wordpress anywhere. I want to access both wordpresses.

502 Request error on all Chrome and Firefox. Thanks

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hi @pingucottage

We would be happy to assist with your Local troubleshooting! Could you provide some more details to help us take a further look?

  • What is your OS?

  • What version of Local are you on?

  • Please attach a copy of your Local Logs

Keep us posted and we’d be happy to help further!

Hi Thanks for replying. I cannot reproduce the original error, however After starting Local I now get the following (See attachment) after clicking on WP Admin:

After clicking on OK button and then WP Admin again

Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

Version: No idea where that is, but says it is the latest when checking for updates.

local-logs2.zip (112 KB)

Hi @pingucottage

Based on the logs it looks like there might be a port conflict occurring. Here are some steps to help us identify and address this:

  • Stop all sites that are running in Local

  • Force quit Local

  • (If using Mac) Run the command lsof -nP -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN

  • (If using Windows) Run the command netstat -ano

What you’ll be looking for here is to see when sites are stopped and Local is properly shut down if there are still programs running on ports 80 and 443. These may be conflicting with Local or the system may be reporting Local is still running.

Once you run that command you should see a list of listening ports. If you see a particular program making use of those ports, you can then kill that process by running sudo kill -9 XXX where XXX is the PID number of that process. (On Windows you will use taskkill /F /pid XXX where XXX is the PID number of that process)

There are also some more details around this and other troubleshooting steps at this link if needed: Stopping Whatever Is Listening On Port 80.

As a note, our next version of Local will end support for Windows 7/8/8.1. You should be able to still use older versions of Local but won’t have access to the latest features with newer releases for example newer versions of PHP.

Thanks I will take a look.

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Sounds good @pingucottage! If you have any other questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach back out.

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