Bug Summary
Summarize the issue in one to two sentences.
Steps to reproduce
As precisely as you can, list the steps it takes to reliably reproduce the issue.
Environment Info
Describe your environment.
- What Operating System are you using?
- What versions of site software (Nginx, Apache, PHP, MySQL) is used?
- What version of Local is installed? The last one
Supporting info
Please provide your Local Log. See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:
Include any screenshots or video recordings of the issue to help others reproduce.
J’ai bien lu les réponses données à cette questions mais pour ma part, ça ne fonctionne pas. Depuis que j’ai installé local et développer un site, j’ai toujours eu des difficultés à me connecter à la base de données et après 3 ou 4 tentatives, le site s’ouvrait. Depuis quelques jours, il ne s’ouvre plus et je nepeux pas me connecter à adminer car il y a une erreur qui précise : Aucune connexion possible car l’ordinateur cible l’a refusée.
Infos : web server: Apache
PHP : 7…4.1
Mysql : 8 0 16
WP 6.0
Windows 8.1
Merci pour votre réponse trés rapide car c’est urgent !
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“mysqld: File ‘.\binlog.000073’ not found (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.158Z”}
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“2022-07-18T12:47:09.782541Z 0 [System] [MY-010116] [Server] %%resourcesPath%%\lightning-services\mysql-8.0.16+6\bin\win64\bin\mysqld.exe (mysqld 8.0.16) starting as process 8120”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.161Z”}
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“2022-07-18T12:47:09.783867Z 0 [Warning] [MY-013243] [Server] --character-set-server: The character set UTF8MB3 is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please consider using UTF8MB4 instead.”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.162Z”}
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.157009Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010958] [Server] Could not open log file.”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.164Z”}
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.157051Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010041] [Server] Can’t init tc log”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.166Z”}
{“thread”:“main”,“class”:“Process”,“process”:“mysql”,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“2022-07-18T12:47:16.160455Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-010119] [Server] Aborting”,“timestamp”:“2022-07-18T12:47:17.278Z”}
English translation:
I have read the answers given to this question but for my part, it does not work. Ever since I installed local and developed a site I always had trouble connecting to the database and after 3 or 4 attempts the site would open. For a few days, it does not open any more and I cannot connect to adminer because there is an error which specifies: No connection possible because the target computer refused it.