Which is better/faster? Local WP data on system drive or 2nd SSD?

Hi community, I’m going to update my PC and therefore also completely reinstall Local WP. Since I have 2 SSDs on the PC, I wanted to ask which is better/faster: If I A.) leave the data (data directory) of Local WP on the system drive (C:, i.e. where Local WP is also installed) or if I transfer the data (data directory) to the 2nd SSD.

What else would speed up local work with Wordpress (configuration/measures)? Unfortunately, it was always much slower for me than on the web server. But this may have been due to Win 8.1 and the fact that the data/data directory was previously on a 2nd classic hard disk that was not an SSD. Many thanks for any tips.


Hey @Tommy999!

I don’t have any specific data for you around this but I did want to mention a couple of things.

The latest versions of Local are not longer compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, so that definitely could have been a factor. Will your new PC be on a more recent OS version?

We also have a couple of Windows specific recommendations in our performance guide here as well if you want to test:

Hello Nick-B (WP Engine team), thanks for your reply. Yes, of course it will bee then Windows 10 as OS.

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Sounds good Tommy. If you decide to go with Local we’d still recommend our guide above including the Windows specific items.

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