Windows Terminal as the default terminal instead of Command prompt


I would like to ask if it would be possible to set the Windows Terminal as the default terminal for opening the shell of the sites, instead of using Command Prompt. I’ve found this issue Default Terminal /Console Application the user claims he had found a solution but I’m unable to get similar results as him. Currently under the “Default apps” → “Termilan”, I only see “Command prompt (Cmd)” and “Git bash” even if I have Windows Terminal installed.

Thank you in advance

Hi @kmgalanakis! So you’re saying when you’re on the screen below you don’t see Windows Terminal as an option?

What is your Windows OS version?

What version of Local are you on?

Hello @Nick-B

That’s exactly what I’m saying. In that screen, I only see Command Prompt and Git bash

I’m on Windows 11, OS Build 22631.3296 and the version of my LocalWP installation is 8.3.2+6660.

Thank you

Hi @kmgalanakis - thank you for your patience I had to check with our Devs because I don’t have a Windows machine to verify on but at this time only Command Prompt and Git Bash are supported for Windows. So what you’re seeing is actually expected behavior.

If this is something you’d like to see you could spin up a new Feature Request for users to upvote and comment on. That way we can track interest for a future release.

Hello @Nick-B

Thank you for confirming that.

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Of course @kmgalanakis ! I’ll close this out for now but if you have any other questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach back out. We are always happy to help!