2.1.1 Installation errors

When Installing 2.1.1, I encountered the following:

  • VM needs update, ok, then Win10 restarts
  • starting Local, then at the configuring screen, at "Hosts"section, a series of errors (see below) appear and then it hangs up indefinitely with spinning wheel.
  • Errors (from log, but they appeared in popups)
    Nov 6, 2017, 12:41 AM GMT+2 - error: [main/docker-create-machine] Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: Unable to start the VM: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm local-by-flywheel --type headless failed:
    Nov 6, 2017, 12:41 AM GMT+2 - error: [main/docker-create-machine] VBoxManage.exe: error: The virtual machine ‘local-by-flywheel’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1). More details may be available in 'C:\Users\bogdansusala.docker\machine\machines\local-by-flywheel\local-by-flywheel\Logs\VBoxHardening.log’
    Nov 6, 2017, 12:41 AM GMT+2 - error: [main/docker-create-machine] VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component MachineWrap, interface IMachine
    Nov 6, 2017, 12:41 AM GMT+2 - error: [main/docker-create-machine]
    Nov 6, 2017, 12:41 AM GMT+2 - info: [main/docker-create-machine] Unable to create Docker Machine.

What should I do to fix this? Thanks in advance.

For anyone experiencing the above situation, below are steps which solved my situation in Win10:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps and uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox
  2. Start Local; It will reinstall VirtualBox, Hosts, Local Image(s)
  3. Sites will appear in order, however they are not, 503 Service Unavailable (trying to Start site will be unsuccessful, spinning indefinitely)
  4. Close Local
  5. Re-run Local. Sites will not be recognized anymore, some message with Container(s) missing.
    (Following steps based on solution from How can I restore a site from a Local site folder?)
  6. Copy somewhere else the previous site folder(s) from your [YourPC]>C:>Users>[yourusername]>Local Sites>
  7. Close Local
  8. Delete site(s) folder from above path
  9. Rerun Local
  10. Delete site(s) from Local interface by right clicking on name, check delete files also.
  11. Recreate a site with the same name and THE SAME DOMAIN NAME (suspect to be important, did not checked thoroughly; also seems to be related to the change from .dev to .local in 2.1.1; my old domain name was with .dev, I entered it exactly like it was previously in the form field presented during site creation, not later in Local); create with Preferred environment settings, that worked for me, even I suspect previous environment were custom (did not saved previous environment server/php/mysql to confirm it’s ok)
  12. Local will create/install WP etc. New site will probably be started, be sure to stop it
  13. Go to above Local Sites folder, delete the newly created site’s folder.
  14. Copy back the saved folder in step 6
  15. Start site
  16. Right-click on the site in Local and go to “Open Site SSH”
  17. Enter “myloader -p root -d /app/sql --overwrite-tables --database local” (without quotes); This will overwrite/load in the SQL files in /app/sql
  18. The old site should be working fine.

Hi @bsusala,

Sorry for the trouble that you ran into!

Glad you got it sorted. Thanks for sharing your solution!