Firstly many thanks for the work going into making this now a multi platform product.
I am running Manjaro Linux, a derivative of Arch, so have managed to get Local running through AUR and have converted the RPM for 5.0.7.
Initially I had issues with libncurses.so.5 not available for “mysql -e create database local”
and then libnettle.so.6 for php commands when installing wordpress. Not sure if these can be self contained rather than reliance on library support packages else where? Alot of searching to resolve those two.
So finally getting things to install and work, all good. Then I decided to look at adding extra extension / modules to php as wanted to be able to install some other things along side WordPress.
Trying to install uvDesk it requires additions of:
- imap extension is currently in-active.
- mailparse extension is currently in-active.
So, off I look to see what extensions are in place, I cant see any in the /opt/Local/resources/extraResources/site-binaries-linux folders.
Also in the phpinfo() it shows:
extension_dir /home/vsts/work/_temp/local-lightning-php/php-7.3.5/build/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20180731
So this folder structure I assume is from the development instance you have built.
I see in the config files there is the ability to add .dll files under Windows, so are you intending to allow Linux to have the library’s / extensions available too? If so, an interface to activate or disable them would certainly be handy.
Sorry for long rambling message, I hope it all makes sense