500 error 2.2.1 (one site does work)

I’ve looked at all the recent 500 error topics, but can’t seem to figure out my issue.
Some sites work, others get a 500 error.
local-by-flywheel.log (771.0 KB)

it started Jan 6, 2018, 6:05 AM CST

Since one site will run I’m guessing the issue is with the other individual sites. can you tell from the log?

Hi @efglass

500 errors are typically caused by some sort of code causing a PHP error. You can tell WordPress to show errors which can give you a better idea of what is causing the issue.

To do this, open the wp-config.php file for the site you are troubleshooting. You can right click the site in Local and select “Reveal in Finder”. You can then navigate to <yoursite>/app/public/wp-config.php

Inside of this file add:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

Just after the line that says something like:

$table_prefix = 'wp_';

Once wp_debug is enabled, then you can visit the site that is having the 500 errors and you should be able to see more meaningful debugging messages.

If you see a bunch of references to a plugin, you can try disabling that plugin and see if it fixes. You can also paste the error here and we the community can have a look!

– Ben

turns out my .htaccess file was changed to some crazy stuff. changed it back and wallah! thanks!

That would do it too!

500 errors are so general – “server error” – they are like the junk drawer in the kitchen where everything that doesn’t fit somewhere else ends up.

Glad you figured it out!