I created several sites locally without problems, but it bugue when I want to create one with Blueprint. The site is not displayed and the Admin displays text. (See attached images)
My configuration is MacOS 10.11.6 and the settings as on the image.
I installed some plugins in my Blueprint model but nothing extraordinary.
Thank you for your help
Hey François! How are you doing?
First I should note some things for you, as recommendations… I don’t know about your server configurations but you’re most likely reproducing them in Local, so here it goes…
- PHP 7.0 met its EOL (End of life) Jan 2019, so it’s not recommended to use it, using PHP 7.1 is a good option for compatibility (with hosts) and security updates.
About it: http://php.net/supported-versions.php - This is more “personal” but the same goes for MySQL 5.5, it is old, somewhat insecure and slow, compared to 5.6 and 5.7 versions. I would recommend using 5.6 and preparing to migrate to 5.7 (I’m doing this right now)
About it: https://forums.mysql.com/read.php?20,660008,660016#msg-660016
Now, to the issue at hand, can you upload your log file from Local? If you need help with it: How do I retrieve Local's log file?
Also, do you have the WP_DEBUG option enabled? If not, you can add the code below (locally, not live) at the end of the wp-config.php
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
This will make Wordpress display any errors it catches, so you can have a better idea of what’s happening.
One more question, what page are you accessing when you see this? Are you able to access /wp-admin and login?
Hi, thanks for responding,
I use the server configuration of my provider. I’ll change as soon as it will support new updates.
Here is the Local’s log file of my template web site (save as Blueprint). I deleted the “child” web site witch didn’t works and created a new one from the classic way (it works).
local-by-flywheel.log (219.7 KB)
Do I have to enable the WP_DEBUG option in my Blueprint site (and save it again as Blueprint) ? Or in all my sites ?
Blueprint is very useful, I don’t understand why it didn’t work.
Thanks for invertigate,
Thanks for the log!
As a rule of thumb, the blueprint is a site that you create with minimum requirements/plugins/configurations that you always use to make any site, so you don’t need to do that initial configuration and installation of plugins every time. I use one that I have a theme that I always use, some configurations and plugins…
Ok, nothing wrong on your Local log… I’ll ask you to provide the specific php logs of this site, you can find them in this folder:
*YourUser*/Local Sites/*SiteName*/logs/php/*PHPVersion*/error.log
Note that the names between ** are specific to your system.
This log will provide information about what error php got, if any.
Do I have to enable the WP_DEBUG option in my Blueprint site (and save it again as Blueprint) ? Or in all my sites ?
No, you don’t need to change it and save as blueprint, you just have to enable it on the site you are testing and getting this error. Each site have a different wp-config.php
Here is the file you asked. It’s the one of the Blueprint site, right ?
error.log (8.3 KB)
Alright, this file is interesting, it has some errors that seems to be the cause of the problems you are running into.
This is a bit of work, but the possible reason is that you are running an old plugin that might not be maintained anymore, so it can be having compatibility problems with Wordpress when updating.
On the website you are having problems, can you try disabling all the plugins and see if it comes back to normal?
If it does, try enabling plugin by plugin and test if the problem comes back between every plugin enabled. One of them might be causing this.
After doing this test if it’s not solved, I sincerely would start a fresh install and remake the Blueprint, since the blueprint probably have very few configurations and plugins, it should be an quick thing to do.
I see that you are using OceanWP theme too, do you have an updated version of the theme?
Seems from the logs that the theme is trying to install the required plugins but the process fails, and you are also using the last version of Wordpress, so might be an issue between the theme and Wordpress too…
Can you grab a updated version of the theme or you already have it?
The sites you made in the past with this theme might not experience the same problems since they already have the plugins installed and don’t need to go through this process. But the Blueprint one does since the plugins are not already installed…