ADMIN button does not bring up the Dashboard. Acts like VIEW SITE


I just transferred a site following Clay’s suggestion in How can I import a site into Local by Flywheel and including solely the SQL file containing the database and the /wp-content folder.

When I dragged and dropped the zip file in Local, my site was up in a snap! Amazing!!!

However, I have a problem, probably coming from the site I transferred, as it does not happen at the other site I have on Local.

When I press VIEW SITE, the site comes up as expected at URI newsite.local/

But, when I press ADMIN, it initially shows newsite.local/wp-admin, with /wp-admin appearing dimmed. Then wp-admin immediately disappears, probably due to redirection to newsite.local/

In the other site that I also have on Local, the ADMIN leads to othersite.local/wp-admin/ and shows the Dashboard.

How can I get the Dashboard to show at the new site too?

Thank you in advance,


This seems like something that came from the live environment and wasn’t supposed to, and doesn’t work very well with Local…
Do you have a “.htaccess” file in the Local site folder? It should be a hidden file. This file can tell you if there are any redirects happening in this URL.

Does the direct access to “yoursite.local/wp-admin” in the browser works? If not, try “yoursite.local/wp-login.php” as well.

Also, check if your whole site is working properly, there might be a misconfiguration somewhere that leads to this “redirect”… You can check wp-config.php for that too.