Cannot Set up local site using existing template

I have an account with flywheel and have a site called tmpl. I would like to use this as my template when creating local sites. Then when my sites are completed I want to turn them live. Help. I cannot seem to get my local site working. When I try to create a local site I get the following error:
Uh-oh! Could not update host file
Local ran into a problem when trying to update the hosts file
Please contact support if this persists.

Then got this error
/app/public/wp-includes/version.php does not exist

I have not heard back from anyone, I am unable to create a local install of wordpress. I am getting an error every time I try, see previous post for that error.


What operating system are you on? If you are using Windows with Local, you might refer to this common Windows issue: Help! I'm running into an EPERM error with the hosts file on Windows.

If that does not resolve your issue or you are on a Mac, can you please provide your local-by-flywheel.log file? See How do I retrieve Local's log file? for instructions on how to do so.

Hi Andy
My operating system is
MacOS High Sierra version 10.13.6

I have attached the local log file here.local-by-flywheel.log (16.9 KB)

Having same issues on 3.04
/app/public/wp-includes/version.php does not exist

when trying to instal a new site