Can't access to WP admin

Issue Summary

There are many ways to solve this problem shown in Google. I just started my first lesson on WP and already have an issue. The more i read Google, the more im lost in the wood.

So an issue is: after creating an account i tried to access WP admin, but it says my email/login is not correct. Clearing cookies - done, changing browser- done, email check - done, reset password - done. Nothing works. Will be grateful for any advice. Thnx

Hello there, Jule! Welcome to the Local Community! :wave:

Thank you for bringing your question here.

With Local it is actually super simple to log in to your WP admin with the one-click admin. If you toggle this on, it will automatically log you in:

Shared with CloudApp

When you said you created an account, are you referring to a Local account, or the account here (see below)?

Shared with CloudApp

Either way, let me know if one-click admin helps & if we not we’ll figure it out together :smile:

Sam :woman_technologist:t3:

Hello, Sam,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I tried one-click admin as you advised me recently, but nothing works.

I created account on local, but maybe there is no my account on WP itself yet ( at least it didnt refer me to the Set up WP (as shown on the screenshot. How can i manage with that?

Thanks for your help. Can’t wait to hear from you!

чт, 23 июн. 2022 г. в 14:37, Sam Munoz via Local Community <>:

Hi @Jull316 - thank you for your response! :wave:

Can you share a screenshot of the screen you are looking at to provide a little more context? I’m not sure where you are in the set up process :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Sam :woman_technologist:t3:

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