Cant access wordpress site and WP admin on local

Hi when I download local and created my first website for some reason Im getting the error “Warning missing hosts entry. this site may be inaccessible.” plus im getting an alert message , Uh-oh could not access hosts file. Im stuck on this issue for days I tried everything I changed my site to localhost turned off my computer turened on again but still nothing works!??

Hey @yochainoah – Welcome to the Local community!

It’s hard to say exactly what’s going on, can you provide some more details?

Im using local 9.0.5
Windows 11 OS (30.0 KB)

Hi @yochainoah

Are you sure your Hosts File is editable or is it set to Read Only?

Are you logged in as an Admin user?

hi th hosts file is editable and not set to read only plus I am logged in as admin?

A couple other things to check here @yochainoah

  • Sometimes the system can be finicky with other languages so make sure there aren’t any special characters in your user or password. Special characters not supported on Windows username/password

  • Check to make sure you don’t have any additional antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be blocking Local as well

There are no special characters in my username or password
and I dont think theres anymore security applications that I know of that are runing on my computer except microsoft defender

In order to refresh here and start with a clean slate could you give the below troubleshooting steps a try?

  • Export any sites that you have on Local and save them to a folder somewhere on your computer: Backup a Local Site - Local

  • Fully uninstall Local from your computer: Uninstall Local - Local

  • Install the latest version of Local on this link: Releases - Local

  • Once installed, please restart the computer.

  • When the computer is restarted and turned on, close any applications that automatically run in the background (AntiVirus, Firewall, and other Developer applications included).

  • Check and see if the issue still persists. If so, please provide us with an updated log: Retrieve Local’s Log File - Local

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