Can't find the proper SQL file

My webhotel php configuration wants me to choose a SQL file that is going to be connected with the site that I have been working with locally, the problem is that I can’t select the whole SQL folder that is on computer, It wants me to only select one file… So is there another sql file that I have missed?
Best regards Leo

Hi Leo,

Local exports individual SQL files for each table. They can be found in the site’s app/sql folder.

If you wish to combine them into one file, you can use the cat command on your Mac or the type comamnd on Windows in Cmd.exe.

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Thx alot man!
I really appreciate your awesome support, could you explain a bit further what you mean with the type command on windows in the cmd.exe, a bit more about the procedure so to say.
Best regards Leo

No problem! See

On step #1, navigate to the site’s app/sql directory

On step #4, try this command instead of the one they provide:

for %f in (*.sql) do type "%f" >> concatenated.sql

Once you do that, you should see a file named concatenated.sql in the site’s app/sql directory. It should contain the contents of all of the other SQL files.

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Hi again, the command came back with this error:

Make sure you run it in Cmd.exe instead of PowerShell.