Thank you for your help and time in advance if possible. I don’t know witch steps to make now. I am not unfamiliar with the error, but this time i tried all i found and that i can try, without result.
What issue or error are you experiencing?
I recieve the basic Msql error on launching site about the occupied port but i can’t find something that’s working to change that. To be fair, i am not a professional, but as such i tried all i can find from the router page on this website and others things i found on other website, without results.
The situation is :
Today i cannot run my site. A new maj append on my win11 for security, maybe at cause but my site run on it for a whole day before so not sure. Also, i change from a “business” internet network to my private box at home between the two. The site is private, not for work, and not broadcast yet
My attempts
I tried cloning it to use the automatic attribution of host port - not working
I tried to upgrade the ap local - not working
Killing all the process on port 80 - not working
and some process described don’t even exist in my task manager at the indicated PID in cmd
Using the Xdebug to resolve - not working
Changing from “site domain” to “localhost” multiple times, with restart - not working
Restarting the pc, desinstalling the ap local etc - not working
i am not using anything beside local as ap that use the port 80 beside internet explorer
i autorised in windefender firewall the access to local - not working
at the time i also saw something interesting like a double ap name local.
What’s working : creating a new site
Difference that i saw : not the same version of mysql on both site
site not working today : MySQL 8.0.16
site working : MySQL 8.0.35
After flying into the log, i found something about the nginx but i don’t know what to do :
I am sorry, but i am at a lost this time. Please, help me or at list give me direction to seek because i don’t know what to try right now. How can i at least force the new attribution of the host port number ?
What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc
the error message :
System Details
Local Version: Version 9.2.2+6771
Operating System (OS) and OS version: Win 11 x64
Local Logs
the error (always the same whatever i tried) :
2025/03/05 20:32:41 [warn] 12852#5308: the “listen … http2” directive is deprecated, use the “http2” directive instead in C:/Users/x/AppData/Roaming/Local/run/router/nginx/conf/server-block-ssl.conf:1
2025/03/05 20:32:41 [warn] 12852#5308: the “listen … http2” directive is deprecated, use the “http2” directive instead in C:/Users/x/AppData/Roaming/Local/run/router/nginx/conf/server-block-ssl.conf:2
local-logs (2).zip (585.2 KB)
Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.