Clone site option is missing on Local Lightning

I am using the latest Local Lightning 5.0.5 beta and in my version, there is no Clone site option. Is it a bug or is there currently not possible to clone sites?
Best regards,

Hi Janke,

Cloning isn’t in Lightning quite yet.

The best option right now is to export the site and then re-import it. :slight_smile:


Thank you, I"ll try that out now. Here’s hoping it won’t create conflicts.

Please consider adding this and changing the PHP version, to the next release. These two functions are vital in order to quickly create new websites.

UPDATE: sadly there is an error…

I’m starting to suspect no answer will come :slight_smile:

I have the same issue with OSX Cataline and Local Lightning beta 5.0.6.

Error: Command failed: /Applications/ --default-character-set=utf8 -A --skip-column-names -e SET names ‘utf8’; use local; source /Users/username/Documents/Websites/test/app/sql/local.wp_cf_forms.sql;

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 4 in file: ‘/Users/username/Documents/Websites/test/app/sql/local.wp_cf_forms.sql’: Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’

I have the same error if I try to import any site to Local 5.0.6: Duplicate entry ‘1’ for key ‘PRIMARY’. It seems to happen on whatever sql table happens to be the first to process. Initially the error happened in comments.sql. So I deleted all comments and tried exporting and importing again. This time the error happened for the first item in wp_options table. Saving a Local site as a blueprint and creating a new site using that blueprint has the exact same effect. Also zipping an existing site and importing that results in this same error. At this time, I’m unable to import any sites to Local. Very frustrating. Hoping for a fix.

@ville, there’s a newer version of Local 5.x available here:
5.0.7 (Beta)

I’m not guaranteeing anything but making sure that you’ve got the known bugs out of the way is a good first step.

Are you importing from a site export from 5.0.6 or version 3.x? I don’t believe the betas should have a separate SQL for each table, but version 3.x did.

5.0.7 has the same issue. Also, this problem has been reported in multiple different threads all over this commmunity.

We’re definitely aware that cloning is not present in the current versions of the Local beta. We also want to continue helping address specific situations.

Do you have any suggestions or workarounds? Since this is a community, we ask that all replies/forum contributions focus on positive intent and help and we’ll assume that yours here is toward that aim. Getting everyone on the same page is part of the solution too. We appreciate the clarity from your response.

@ville, we still ask that you upgrade to 5.0.7 because there are some import issues that have been resolved in the update. Also, knowing the context/history of the export that you are trying to import wil be helpful to troubleshoot further.

The main problem is not with the cloning but with the importing sites and with the “uh-oh…” Error described in the multiple topics.

Also having this error. Brand new export of a site, getting the duplicate entry for key PRIMARY error when trying to import.

I tried to export then import (just to move the domain and file location, really) and it also didn’t import successfully:

Local Lightning v5.2.5+2498