Bonjour, je suis sur MacOS Mojave, je souhaite utiliser la fonction Live Link. Je clique sur le lien et entre les identifiants de mon compte. Je suis bien connecté sur mon navigateur web mais aucun lien ne se fait avec avec l’application Local. Même mon avatar n’apparaît pas sur le logiciel Local.
Merci pour votre aide.
Hello, I am on MacOS Mojave, I want to use the Live Link function. I click on the link and enter my account details. I’m logged in on my web browser but no link is made with the Local application. Even my avatar does not appear on the Local software.
Thank you for your help.
Sometimes there is an issue with the “Default browser” set in Local. Some users have experienced this issue and resolved it by updating their Default browser.
If you navigate to Local > Preferences > Default apps, be sure the Browser is set to the one you want to be using when you’re logging in.
If that doesn’t work, we might be able to see what’s going on in the Local Logs - you can provide those by following these steps: