Could not dump database while exporting

Hi Clay and team,

I am on the latest Local version 1.4.2 on Mac.
I have a site that i want to export with PHP 7.0.3 and Mysql 5.6.34
When i export it gets error could not dump database.
When i check in logs it’s only 3 lines :

Apr 25, 2017, 9:45 PM GMT+2 - info: [main/exportSite] Running mydumper on database.
Apr 25, 2017, 9:45 PM GMT+2 - info: [main/exportSite] mydumper process complete.
Apr 25, 2017, 9:45 PM GMT+2 - info: [main/exportSite] Segmentation fault

Hope this helps to fix the problem in a next release soon.


Hi Dieter,

Can you right-click on the site then go to “Open Site SSH” and run the following command?

mydumper --verbose 3 -p root -x '^(?!(mysql))' --outputdir /app/sql

Sorry for the trouble!

HI Clay,

No problem!
Happy to help fix problems and bugs.
I tried your command but i get the same thing.
I applied the code after i got the error so after I let local export.

** Message: Connected to a MySQL server
** Message: Started dump at: 2017-04-26 06:51:52

** Message: Thread 1 connected using MySQL connection ID 18
** Message: Thread 2 connected using MySQL connection ID 19
** Message: Thread 3 connected using MySQL connection ID 20
** Message: Thread 4 connected using MySQL connection ID 21
Segmentation fault


Hi Dieter,

did you figured it out?
I have the same problem here and dont know how to resolve it.


Hi Vincent,

Yes i did get to fix it!
Are you already on the latest 2.0 version?


No, but i saw it this morning, i’ll try it.
It could also be the answer to another problem i had when creating site from exports and blueprints (Local stuck at “provisionning wp-cli” stage of site creation).


Hi Vincent ,

if you get to run in the same problem again when exporting.
open local select the site go to the database section and open adminer.
then click on export and let it export all tables once it finishes loading the page just close it and try exporting a site again in local. it should be working then. i didn’t get the problem of exporting in 2.0 as of now so maybe it is fixed.


Ok, thanks again!


I’m having this same problem on 2.0.4. Here’s the log. It appears there is a permissions issue causing this. local-by-flywheel.log (65.4 KB)

Worked well for me! Thanks!

I had the same problem, weird DB errors when exporting.

I tried the SSH command that Clay suggested above, and it did not fix the problem.

Then I tried the trick suggested by Webtica in the message from May 21 (using Adminer). That did the trick! Thank you!

normally you shouldn’t have these problems anymore on the latest 2.1.1 version :slight_smile:

Hmmm I am on 2.1.1 (and normally exporting is flawless for me)-- odd. Hopefully just a glitch in the matrix!

I am on 2.1.1 aswel on mac and windows and i can export without problems.