Could not open required default file while creating a new site PHP 7.4

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I receive the below error when trying to create a new site with a php version of 7.4.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

Create a new site, with the below custom settings

  • PHP 7.4
  • nginx 1.26.2
  • MySQL 5.7.28
  • not a multi site

System Details

  • Local Version:
    Version 9.2.0+6762

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    macOS Sonoma 14.5

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log) (1.1 MB)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Is this a new blank site you’re trying to create with custom settings @megangilpin or is this a site you’re trying to pull/import?

This is a brand new site that I will eventually import/pull an existing site into.

If you create a new site with the preferred settings does that work okay?

No that is when the error occurs. I was able to create a new site with the most recent php version, so it seems like the issue occurs when trying to create a new site with php version 7.4.

I just tested spinning up a site with the same configuration in my Local app and it worked okay although I’m on MacOS Sequoia 15.2.

I wonder if something didn’t get installed correctly. It might be worth trying a full uninstall/resinstall of Local.

If you have any sites in Local you need to save, you’ll want to export and save those first.

After that you can use the MacOS steps here to do a full uninstall: Uninstall Local - Local

And then reinstall the latest release from here: Releases - Local