Deploying from Local to Azure

Sorry if this is outside the scope of what a tool like Local is built for – just wondering if anyone has used Local as part of a deployment / migration routine into Azure? Using the supported providers isn’t an option for us, unfortunately.

Hi @kerns

We don’t have any documentation specifically for this but hypothetically I would think it’s possible. One option might be to use a migration plugin like WP Migrate DB. You could also check with Azure to see if they have any documentation or “best practices” for migrating/importing a site.

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Thanks. Does Local WP actually tie into WP Migrate directly in any way …or is it just a sponsor? (i.e. migrations are managed via the WP Migrate plugin …independently of Local WP )

Local doesn’t have a direct integration with WP Migrate (yet). There are other migration plugins or more manual methods you could take to accomplish this so the above was just a suggestion if you’d like to explore other avenues yourself. We just don’t have any documentation specific for Local to Azure but maybe Azure has something helpful from their end on how they recommend importing a site.