Editing homepage in admin returns WSOD

On one of my sites, if I’m logged in to WP and go to edit the homepage as the admin, I get a WSOD. This happens whether I try editing from the admin bar link, or going to the admin back end and selecting to edit the page I have as homepage. Nothing comes up. All other pages are editable and show up fine, but the homepage does not. On the front-end, it appears fine.

I’ve pretty much installed a vanilla copy of Genesis and then the Genesis Sample Theme, so I haven’t gotten into editing the code at all, mostly just using the built in editor to layout rough content until I was ready to dig in to the various templates and themes to actually start editing PHP… and as mentioned, the front-end comes up fine showing my blocks and content. So I don’t think it’s something I have caused from editing files, as that should throw me a debug message, but no messages are present.

I tried looking at the ‘Reading’ options in ‘Settings’ and that all seems fine. Homepage is set to ‘homepage.’ I adjusted this to the blog, then went back and tried editing the homepage and same issue. I’m just not even sure what to look at.

Looking at the source of the page shows that the admin is loading and there should be output on the page, but it’s just a blank white page. I didn’t particularly do anything that would have warranted this issue… it’s like it was working great, then all of a sudden this started happening… and I’ve updated to the latest version of Local (3.0.4 from 3.0.2), manually, and it’s still doing the same thing.

I really like using Local as it’s been pretty much hassle-free until this… but this is definitely throwing a wrench in my gears :frowning:

Also, I just checked out another site I’m developing w/ Local which uses a highly modified (at this point) version of an Atomic Blocks child theme, and it’s working fine… so I may try installing another boilerplate Genesis/Genesis Sample Theme setup to see if the problem is replicating. The only plugins I have installed on this problematic site is the Atomic Blocks Gutenberg plugin… will take a look at that and report back.

Seems to be an issue w/ the Atomic Blocks Gutenberg Block Editor plugin. When inactive, I can edit the page just fine… except the support for my AB Gutenberg Blocks is turned off. I’ve put in a request w/ Studiopress to see what the deal might be.