"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory" when adding Xdebug configuration to PHPStorm

Even if you hack around that issue by manually copying the file that Local refuses to write, then you run into another Local issue (Debugger breaks on first line even though its deactivated and shows local-bootstrap.php? - #5 by rmpel) that stops you in a bootstrap file even though you have set no breakpoints in PHPStorm for that.

At this time I just don’t have the extra time to try and figure out all of Local’s kinks. IMHO, Local is definitely NOT the environment that anyone just beginning their web coding or PHPStorm journey should use. Every time you hit a snag (which is every time you launch Local for editing with PHPStorm) you will have to stop and Google and email and post to forums to find out if it is another Local hang-up.

For those of us just learning web coding and PHPStorm, Local presents hurdles and snags that hinder our learning either one.

Add this to the slowness of Local on Windows machines (especially vs something like XAMP) and there is just no reason to use Local and plenty of reasons not to.

For those reasons I will have to find another way to learn web coding. Local just doesn’t cut it for me.