lightning-services/ - /bin/linux/shared-libs/ does not contain newest
I encountered an error when could not find “NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.current”
I solved the issue by updating the file in the /shared-libs/ directory in lightning-services directory with the newest that contains NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.current
I am facing a similar problem and I have a few questions.
Which version of LocalWP were you using at the time?
Could you please provide more details about how you updated the file? Where did you obtain the newer version, and how did you replace the file within the lightning-services directory?
What was the exact version of your Debian distribution? Are you using any custom configurations or modifications to your system?
Have you encountered any issues or unexpected behavior in LocalWP after updating the library file?
Copy your system /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ into your Local/shared-libs/ directory in lightning-services directory e.g. /home/username/.config/Local/lightning-services/php-8.2.20+0/bin/linux/shared-libs.
The version or the file name may vary. I’m not sure because I don’t remember well, but I think the error gave you the name of the file that had to be replaced.
In my case I had to replace the file. I found it because I renamed the original as and searched for “__old”.
Basically we had multiple version of the libtinfo library and the system got confused which one to use, so i checked all the version that we had in our system (3 versions)
I tried two and the second one worked.
But let me explain the solution in more detail for future reference: