Error "NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.current" not found

Bug Summary

lightning-services/ - /bin/linux/shared-libs/ does not contain newest

I encountered an error when could not find “NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.current”

I solved the issue by updating the file in the /shared-libs/ directory in lightning-services directory with the newest that contains NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.current

Environment Info

Debian distro ( Pure OS 10 )


You saved me! You will have my eternal gratitude :star_struck:

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I am facing a similar problem and I have a few questions.

  • Which version of LocalWP were you using at the time?
  • Could you please provide more details about how you updated the file? Where did you obtain the newer version, and how did you replace the file within the lightning-services directory?
  • What was the exact version of your Debian distribution? Are you using any custom configurations or modifications to your system?
  • Have you encountered any issues or unexpected behavior in LocalWP after updating the library file?

@espenm or @Pacotole do you have any steps you could share on how you were able to resolve this? Thanks!

Copy your system /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ into your Local /shared-libs/ directory in lightning-services directory e.g. /home/username/.config/Local/lightning-services/php-8.2.20+0/bin/linux/shared-libs.

The version or the file name may vary. I’m not sure because I don’t remember well, but I think the error gave you the name of the file that had to be replaced.

In my case I had to replace the file. I found it because I renamed the original as and searched for “__old”.

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Thank you @Pacotole! @dcampbell let us know if that works for you?

Thanks @Pacotole

based on your information i managed to identify the relevant directory


Now I need to find the file with the version NCURSES_TINFO_6.2.20211010 on my system or download it from another source.

it’s this second step that’s proving elusive.

Sorry, I’m not a system expert. In my case, I have an Ubuntu 24 and the files are located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Try to search on Google how to install or locate files of ncurses libraries…

We managed to solve this issue.

Basically we had multiple version of the libtinfo library and the system got confused which one to use, so i checked all the version that we had in our system (3 versions)
I tried two and the second one worked.

But let me explain the solution in more detail for future reference:

We had two versions that were downloaded through

apt: /lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/

and one version in the folder that came with localWP

What i did is backed up the version that came with localWP because it clearly wasn’t working by moving it to some other path.

Then I started by linking the apt directory in the shared-libs folder to force the localWP binary to use them.

So I used a trick to link them exactly to this

/lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/ /lib/x86\_64-linux-gnu/

(the 5 in the end means version 5) even if the version isn’t 5.0 and that made it work as expected.

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Thank you for following up and sharing this @dcampbell!