Error! Site container is missing. Automatic restore is not available due to missing SQL export

Finally, after many attempts to get past the “Loading local machine…” hang up, I finally got the whole system working. Now I see this error message. How can I fix it? Should I move on and try to fix it later?

Site container is missing. Automatic restore is not available due to missing SQL export.

Hi @Don,

Glad to hear you got past the other issue!

Considering there’s no available SQL export and the container is missing, you will need to either create a new site or import from a backup if you did before.

Did you ever find a solution to this problem? I have the same thing happen to me when I now start Local. I made a copy of the Local files of the website and now when I drop them back in after troubleshooting Local for the same or similiar reason as the OP i get this error.

local-by-flywheel.log (386.5 KB)

@clay see message above

As i have looked at more of the forums, I see that I need a sql file to import the site back into Local? I do not have a sql file in my site for some reason. Is there a way I can upload what I have and still salvage the site???


I’m very sorry, based off of your posts in Error creating machine, it looks like you removed the VirtualBox VM. A backup will be required to restore the site’s database.

If you have Time Machine configured on your Mac, we might be able to restore the VirtualBox VM based off of that and extract the database from there.