Export, plugins and Elementor

Cordial greeting

I have 3 problems to which I have tried to give solution but it has not been possible and maybe you can help me.

  1. I can not install plugins or themes from Wordpress because it generates error / failure. All I must download and copy them into the corresponding folder.

  2. When trying to export my site, with All-in-one-Migration or with Duplicator, the plugin starts and is infinitely trying to process the export. Never export anything.

I thought the problem was VirtualBox, so go back to version 5.0.40, however it was not solved and in fact sometimes does not start wordpress.

  1. I am designing the website with Elementor, however I can not see the published version as it looks in the design, in the screen see the original version of the theme installed.

PS: Do you have support in Spanish?

Hello Jairo,

First off, are you using Windows or macOS?

  1. Can you provide the error you’re running into? One thing you can try is going to Preferences » Advanced and then disabling “Faster Docker Volumes”
  2. Do you see any errors in All-in-one-Migration or Duplicator’s logs?
  3. Please contact Elementor support regarding this.

Not at this time but we’d love to in the future!