Extracting downloaded WordPress

OK so just tried to setup my first site and it is stuck on “extracting downloaded wordpress” for an hour now, so looks like it has frozen, what to do ?

Sorry for the trouble!

Can you please provide your local-by-flywheel.log file?

You can get to it by going to Help » Reveal Local’s Log on macOS. To find it on Windows click on the 3 dots in the upper-right corner of the window then go to Reveal Local’s Log.

I have just come online to view this ticket since I have not had any response for 15 days, only to find that all my previous replies are not here, so there seems to be a problem with your ticket system losing email replies.
I did send you the log file via email, but there is no option to attach files on the web interface.

it has now been 23 days, and I cannot get any reply via email or here ?

Hi Russ,

So sorry for the delay! These forums are not hooked up to inbound e-mail. I’ll see what I can do to fix that.

With the e-mail I did see, I couldn’t find the log attached. Can you please provide that here? Feel free to private message me the log if you don’t want it public.

local-by-flywheel.log (37.0 KB)

Hi Russ,

I’m not seeing anything alarming in the log file. Can you give this another try now that WordPress 4.7.4 is out?