Failing to Update

Bug Summary

When updating to the latest version of Local I get a window that pops up with the below message.

Code signature at URL file:///Users/jay.hill/Library/Caches/com.getflywheel.lightning.local.ShipIt/update.TIGH2LU/ did not pass validation: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)

Steps to reproduce

Click check for updates on 6.4.2+6012 and try to update to 7.2.1

Environment Info

OS X Macbook Air M2
Local 6.4.2+6012

Supporting info

Please provide your Local Log. See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:

No Local Log file found.

Hi @jayhill!

Wow it looks like you missed a few updates there! No worries though. There was a breaking change in Local v6.4.3 that required a manual update. So you’ll need to go to the releases page below and update to the latest by downloading it there.

Also if you’re using the Apple Silicon build of Local you’ll need Rosetta installed as well (for now):