After updating yesterday all of my sites using a particular child/parent theme combo (CustomStrap/Understrap) are tossing errors saying files don’t exist that clearly do. In this case, the built in sass compiler feature is broken. Such as below. They theme developer suggested that it seems “ike PHP is in safe mode.” It has rendered sites using this child/parent set up inoperable. These sites were all working fine before the update to 5.6.8+4514. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Using file_get_contents instead of wp_remote_get
( ! ) Warning: file_get_contents(…/wp-content/themes/understrap/sass/theme.scss): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Sites/sh2020/app/public/wp-content/themes/customstrap/functions/customizer-assets/scss-compiler.php on line 194