Hi Guys,
My Flywheel 2.2.0 has started to hang on start up please see me log attached
Hi Guys,
My Flywheel 2.2.0 has started to hang on start up please see me log attached
Hi Mark,
Thanks for testing out the 2.2.0 pre-release.
Can you please try the following?
If that doesn’t resolve the issue you may need to restart your computer and attempt those steps again.
Ok, thats back up and running now. One more thing, i am able to access the admin locally but the main site diverts me to the live copy. I have changed the define(‘WP_HOME’,’’);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’ ,’); in the wp-config file but it is still diverting me to the live site when i view it?
Any ideas
Someone else was experiencing a similar issue with redirecting to the live site, and I provided an answer which seemed to have helped here