Having been prompted to update to the latest version of Local by Flywheel i.e. 2.5.3, upon starting the application, all seems ok, until I try to do anything.
There are prompts telling me ‘Environment Updates are available’ but when trying to update, I am only presented with a blank white screen. In fact, this same blank screen appears when trying to go to preferences or attempting to clone a site, or do pretty much anything it would seem.
Ultimately it means i’m unable to update my site and push it live.
Until this is resolved, is it possible I can roll back and reinstall the previous version. Are these installers available anywhere?
Hi, Mark! Admin, here. Sorry for the trouble you’re having! So that we have all the information that we need, could you confirm the MacOS version you’re using? Also, could we see a copy of your log file for analysis? Here’s some info on how you can get that, if it helps.
Hi Aaron, thanks for looking into this.
Just so you are aware, the only thing I have done to try and resolve the issue was to reinstall the update, however this didn’t appear to fix the issues.
There were two logs available, so I have attached them both.
In regards to my setup, I have attached a screenshot of this also.

local-by-flywheel.log (136.1 KB)
local-by-flywheel1.log (1.0 MB)
Hi, Mark. Thanks for passing that information along. I’m seeing a few 500 errors in these logs. Specifically ones that complain about a “read-only file system”. Are you perhaps using an external hard drive for development? Regardless, could you check on the file permissions in the directory you’re trying to run the application from? Or perhaps install the application on a non-external source to see if that helps?
Hi Aaron, the application itself is installed within the regular applications folder on my internal HD, however my site paths are saved within a dropbox folder on an internal disk, but I guess that counts as being an external drive.
Is it possible I can copy the site paths to an internal drive and repoint local to them? That being said, the main issue is that i’m presented with a blank screen within the app, which may make navigation within the app difficult.
By the way, although the page is blank, if I hover the cursor over the page, I can see that the links are there, but are just not displaying.
Hi Mark. Storing those files in Dropbox might indeed explain the issue you’re seeing. You’ll probably want to change the New Site Defaults (accessible in your Preferences) and make sure that is referencing a local directory in your Sites Path, rather than a Dropbox directory. It looks like this.
The workflow that you’ll probably want to try would be to Export any given site (Start a site, right-click, then choose Export), then drag that compressed backup back onto your Local window. That should import it into the appropriate directory.