I am using Windows 10, local-by-flywheel-2-4-6-windows, VirtualBox-5.2.22-126460-Win.
If I do a fresh install of LbF and VirturalBox, everything works fine. The problem starts after Windows shut down/restarts.
When I quit LbF, I first stop all the running projects and then exit LbF, VM on VirtualBox is still running, do a ACPI shutdown will bring LbF in VirtualBox to Power Off. But event LbF in VirturalBox is Power Off, When I shut down Windows, I get the message “Virtualbox Interface has active connections.” I have to force Windows shutdown.
After that, restart Windows, open LbF will get
“Unable to start the VM: c:Program Files\Oracle\VirturalBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm local-by-flywhell --type headless failed:” error
I have done a few circles already, uninstall both LbF and VirturalBox, and delete any remaining files on machine, do a fresh install of VirtureBox and LbF, import my sites. But every time after a Windows shutdown, the problem starts.
Log file attached.
local-by-flywheel.log (63.3 KB)
VBox.log (115.9 KB)
VBoxHardening.log (18.5 KB)
Help please.