Still experiencing a list of problems with 2.4.6 Release

I am doing my best to give Local a fair shot but it just keeps loading with errors on top of errors for the Windows version. I really want to do my best to stand behind this product and recommend it to my cohorts but if I can’t use it, how can I honestly grade it?

local-by-flywheel.log (216.5 KB)

Hi mlancelot88
I am also having the same problem running on windows 7, I did upgrade to windows 10 but still the same so back to w7. from what i have read about local it seems like a great piece of software…if you can get it started.

I have posted the problem that i am having with the 2.4.6 version on a number of threads but so fare no responses.
Here are the error messages I am getting looks like the same as you.

Unable to start the VM: C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe startvm local-by-flywheel --type headless failed:
VBoxManage.exe: error: The virtual machine ‘local-by-flywheel’ has terminated unexpectedly during startup with exit code 1 (0x1).
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component MachineWrap, interface IMachine

Yeah, I’ve basically given up on this product till the issues are resolved or until someone in support responds to the feedback I’ve been giving on my experience.