Host already exists: "local-by-flywheel"

I was having issues after upgrading to the newest version of Local where I would get a 500 error when truing to start sites. I uninstalled everything to try a clean install, but not I am getting a "Host already exists: “local-by-flywheel” err message whenever I try to install Local:

VirtualBox shows nothing pertaining to Local and I’m now at a loss for how to get the local environment up and running.

Any guidance?

Hey James,

You can open up /Applications/ and remove the local-by-flywheel VM there.

Also, if you are trying to put the sites in /Volumes and not your main hard drive you’re going to run into issues. We’re currently working on a solution that should be out soon.

There is no reference to local-by-flywheel in VirtualBox:

I’m not using Volumes for sites.

Aha. You should be set after running this.

This assumes you have Local by Flywheel in /Applications

/Applications/Local\ by\ rm -f local-by-flywheel

That almost appears to start to work. It start the process of creating the Host Machines, but once it gets to 100%, it displays this message and Local crashes:

When I try and restart it I get the same message from the beginning.

Anything else I can try?

Hey James,

2.0.2 might help:

If not, please go to Help » Reveal Local’s Log and e-mail it to so I can take a closer look.

I emailed you the file.

Okay, based off of your logs it looks like it’s caused by some leftover Pressmatic info.

Here’s what you can try:

  1. Quit out of Local

  2. Browse to ~/Library/Application Support/Local by Flywheel
    Quickest way to do this is go open Finder and press Cmd + Shift + G then enter that path since ~/Library is hidden

  3. Delete the following: machine-info.json, machine-ip.json, and machine.json

  4. Re-open Local

If the steps above do not help, you can try running this command and then repeating those steps.

/Applications/Local\ by\ rm -f local-by-flywheel

I’m so sorry for the runaround! Fingers crossed this gets you running with Local again.

Thanks you for sticking with me through this because I really love Local otherwise.

Unfortunately, When I browse to Application Support there is no such Local by Flywheel directory so nothing for me to delete. Still stuck.

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Make sure you’re browsing to ~/Library/ and not /Library. The former is a shortcut to /Users/jameslaw(orwhateveryourusernameis)/Library and the first is literally /Library.

This worked for me, but I can’t start existing sites. I can only create new ones. I get the 500 error on the existing sites.

Try navigating to this: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Local\ by\ Flywheel/

Hey @scottwyden,

Are you still running into the 500 error on the existing sites?

All good still!

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