I have made a site on Local by Flywheel, and exported it to SiteGround with All In One migration. Success!
Now I want to import another site, that I have already made, INTO Local by Flywheel with A-I-O
I had done all my creation on hosting, so am now wanting to be more professional.
I exported from the site, but when I try to us A-I-O to import it into Local by Flywheel, nothing happens.
Does anyone know what to do in that case?
I’ve never ran into that problem, but you may want to export the site again, something could have gone wrong there. I’m not sure if you’ve tried the following migration method with the All in One WP Migration plugin, but I find that it’s much more efficient. Sometimes, migrations may fail due to file size limits and other factors. It may help to see some screenshots?
After you create a fresh site with Local, or whatever local environment you use, and you download/activate the All in One Migration plugin, I find that it’s much more efficient when you save the .wpress file directly to the ai1wm-backups folder (which should be in the wp-content folder). On Local, you may find it under:
app > public > wp-content > ai1wm-backups
On the WP dashboard, go the the Backups tab of the All in One Migration plugin. Your .wpress file should show up here. the next step is to hit the restore button. Once it’s done, save the permalink twice. And I believe it should log you out at this point.
Also, are you from Flywheel?