In February there was a topic How do I import my database into Local?.
I have the same problem.
I made a backup of a website with the plug-in Duplicator (free version). The website was too big to archive it in ZIP-formaat, so Duuplicator adviesed to use the .DAF archive format. Such .DAF archive can be extracted with the program DupArchive Extractor.
I followed the instrucuctions for a manual import of a website into Local WP, but importing the database was not successful.
So, I need help to import a website, which was backupped in a.DAF-archive with the WordPress plug-in Duplicator.
It is a pitty that Local WP is not able to use .DAF archives as an alternative for .ZIP-archives
Thanks in advance for a reaction.
I could import successfully the database using:
“Database - Open AdminerEvo - Import”
Thereafter I cound not replace the domainname with the given command line:
search-replace was unsuccessfull.
I was able to import the website (backedup into .DAF-archive) into Local WP in the follwoing way (thanks to an other topic):
- extract the archive made with Duplicator (.DAF archive) with DupArchive Extractor,
- place wp-content folder in a new folder e.g. named ZIP
- place -sql file (database backup) in the same folder
- make a ZIP-archive of the content of this forlder
- use this ZIP-archive to import website into Local WP.
Thank you for sharing what worked for you here @FBFATA1020! I can see that you made a new Feature Request here as well:
For others who may run into this same issue, as a couple of alternatives you could use the free plugin WP Migrate Lite to create a full site export zip file:
Or you can pull the contents of your file out and then import them into Local manually as well.
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