Local WP is great proigram. However, a website can only be imported from a back-up in ZIP-archive format.
Duplicator advises to use their .DAF-archive format for big websites.
So, it would be great if Local WP could direrctly import websites with a .DAF archive.
.DAF-archives can be extracted with DupArchive Extractor,which can be found on the website duplicator.com.
It is possible to circumvent this limitation by extracting the .DAF-archive and make a new .ZIP-archive, which should contain the wp-content folder and the .sql database file. But that is very cumbertsome to do.
Thank you for this feature request @FBFATA1020!
For others who may run into this same issue, as a couple of alternatives you could use the free plugin WP Migrate Lite to create a full site export zip file:
Or you can pull the contents of your file out and then import them into Local manually as well.
@Nick-B Thanks for your reactions.
As I explained in the other support request topic Importing website with .DAF archive in WP LOcal I was not able to do a manual import.
Firstly I could not import the database file using the command line instructions.
Using “Database - Open AdminerEvo - Import” I succeeded in the import of the database. Howeever, thereafter I cound not replace the domainname with the given command line instructions.:
I can not follow the suggestion to use WP Migrate as it is an old back-up, of a website which can not be back-upped anymore.
As Duplicator is used frequently more people have this problem (as can be seen in the number of topics about this problem).
So, the request. is appropiate.
I’m sorry that you ran into this @FBFATA1020, and thank you for sharing your specific resolution steps in your original post as well!
It does look like the issue is specific to Duplicator users and then those who are using the DAF format for large sites or setting to this format to be their default. Checking around the forums however, it looks like the only previous DAF issues I can find mentioned were 3-5 years ago, but we haven’t seen anything come up regularly since then.
Are you seeing any other recent topics regarding DAF specifically? The one you linked in your other post was just a generic database import error but I don’t see mention of Duplicator or DAF.
Several years ago, we used to recommend Duplicator, which may have contributed to some of the older posts regarding this problem. I can understand your headache here was a bit unique since you were working with an older export file and no longer had access to the site. For those who still have site access they should be able to change their format or use an alternative method such as WP Migrate Lite. Or if they have a managed host, they might even be able to manually create and download a backup through their interface.
We will monitor this request however for interest from the community and consideration for changes in a future release.
@Nick-B. Yoiu are promoting WP Migrate Light.
When I compare the reviews of WP Migrate with those of Duplicator (Free) I shoukd not consider to use WP Migrate (Light)!.
Also Duplicator has a more recent update history (3 weeks versus 5 months) and has been tested to a more recent version of WordPress (6.7.1 versus 6.6.2).
The manual import procedure did not wordk in my hands as has been described in other topics…
I can not judge how difficult it is to implement the possibility to use .DAF-archives along the use of ZIP-archives, but I would recomment this implemenattion stronly…
Your program Local WP is too good to be left aside by Duplicator usres (with big websites).
You’re still welcome to use Duplicator; we just recommend utilizing only zip file formats for now. As mentioned, we’ll continue to monitor this request for interest. I passed it along to our dev team already, who looked and determined that their binary extractor tool isn’t compatible with Local with its current configuration. However, we can continue to monitor should this become a blocker for more users.