Installation problem: VirtualBox ✓, Host Machine ⟲, Local Image [Hyper-V Conflict]

Keeps “Starting Docker Machine Creation”.

VirtualBox is installed on D:
Docker was already installed on C:

But I thought that it was only posible to use VirtualBox or Docker?
When I start Docker I get:

Hyper-V and Containers features are not enabled.
Do you want to enable them for Docker to be able to work properly?
Your computer will restart automatically.
Note: VirtualBox will no longer work.

So what is the problem?
And does Local use Docker or VirtualBox?
Or is there a problem because VirtualBox is installed on D:?


local-by-flywheel.log (4.7 KB)

Kind regards,

Hi @aldo,

Sorry for the trouble!

Also, thank you for the log and screenshots!

Right now Local uses VirtualBox as the virtualization layer. Unfortunately, VirtualBox and Hyper-V cannot coexist on PC’s at this time.

With that said, we are planning on using Hyper-V if it is present on Windows computers. Please see Windows 10 Pro - BSOD when launching Local for more details.