Is it good practice to stop the websites?


I think this is more for the Local Lightning development team, but if anyone in the community has experience on this, please share your experience.

Very occasionally my MacBook reboots by itself because it had an issue. It does this when I’m not using it so it is in low power mode and display is not on. The programs that were started before the restart will start themselves again and no issues occur including with Local Lightning.

I have noticed that websites were in a started state in Local Lightning before the abrupt restart and after the restart, Local Lightning starts by itself and the websites are in a stopped state.

I have checked the Local Lightning logs and I don’t see any errors such as abruptly shut down. In fact, no errors at all.

My questions: -

Is there a danger that the websites could get corrupted if they are in a started state and the computer abruptly restarts?

Is it good practice to stop the websites (or even shut down Local Lightning) if not going to use for a period of time (at least a couple of days)?

Many thanks


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: I need help! Can’t get Local running on My MacOs High Sierra

@paulwylie I don’t generally quit Local when I’m not using it. If you do then you sites will be shut down. This is clearly a safer option. I don’t believe it’s any safer to stop all of your sites vs shutting down the Local app.

It’s certainly possible to corrupt a database if the computer abruptly restarts. That doesn’t mean that it will happen.

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