Live link - Display Problems


I’m using Live Link to show my website to a client but, don’t know why, everytime my client opens the website throught the link, the website don’t display my background images. It is all white.

Can you help please?


What size are your images?
I know live link does sometimes take a longer time to load.

Hello, thanks for your answer.
My images have 1920x1080px

How much time to load?


Hi ,

What about the filesize in MB ?

Less than 200kb

hmm strange.
Can you maybe send the link in PM? with your live link open on local.
Then i can check if it works for me.

Here is the link:

It should apear a image background with some colors, but my client only sees black and white.

It seemed to load the page alright it is just a problem with your images.
Some questions.

  • What version of local are you on?
  • Can you remove the important tag in the css of the images? (see image)
    I think that overrides the ngrok image link I think.


“What version of local are you on?” - I think it’s the last one, where I can check?

“Can you remove the important tag in the css of the images?” It’s strange because I didn’t put that tag, i’m working on page builder theme on wordpress.



You can check it on a mac by going to local and then in the top bar local by flywheel and then about. On windows it would be on the hamburger icon on top left and then also about.

Ok is this the way you need it to be (see image)? :slight_smile:

I’m working on Windows, I have the hamburguer icon but I don’t have the About option.

And yes, that’s the way the image should appear.

I see you can see about local in the latest version.
I’ll try with divi on my local install and check if images are missing with live link :slight_smile:

btw, I used Divi too

When I worked with Mac, I had warnings to update, but now I’m working on Windows. How should I do the updates?

I tested on my local install.
The image seems to work on my live link.
but in the source code the image seems to be setup different then yours?
Are you using custom css?

You can update local by downloading the latest version here :
please note it is a pre release version and always backup and export all your sites to seperate folder as backup.

Hum, it’s strange because I’m not using css at the moment, only drag and drop items and editing but with the Divi tools. I don’t understand where does come from that code.

To update, I have to delete my version and use this one, right? And save the folders to import to the new version?



Regarding to Divi i found the issue i have the same.
Can you try uploading the image as background like:
in the fullwidth settings instead of the section settings?

As for updating enable all your sites and right click and export the sites.
Save them to a seperate folder.
Then close local and open virtualbox and check if the local image is running if it is right click and shutdown with acpi. Then download the local update and run it.
You don’t need to delete the old version it should update it.


I changed the background from section to fullwidth setting and it worked. Now I checked on another computer and I can see the images. I don’t know why it can´t be on section… Thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:

Regarding the updates, how can I open Virtual Box? I can’t find it on my programs.



Awesome you fixed it! :slight_smile:
You can also shutdown the computer and reboot then without opening local do the update.

Did it work? :slight_smile: