Local Beta 5.1.0 is now available!

Important note! Automatic error reporting is always enabled with Local Beta to help ensure a successful beta.

Download Local Beta 5.1.0:

What’s New in Local Beta 5.1.0

Connect to WP Engine

We’re thrilled to share that Local’s Connect feature now supports WP Engine. Simply pull sites into Local and launch them with a few clicks. Gone are the days of fiddling with (S)FTP or rsync. Log in using your WP Engine API credentials and see all of your sites inside Local. Launch changes faster with Connect to WP Engine.

Connect to WP Engine is supported on Mac and Linux. Windows support is coming very soon!

TypeScript-powered Add-ons API

Local has had an Add-on API ever since its inception, but it has been tough to track down exactly what is available as an Add-on author.

To make this easier, we have released a new NPM module aptly named @getflywheel/local which provides TypeScript declarations so you know the exact interfaces, types, properties, and methods that you can use.

For an example of how to utilize @getflywheel/local, be sure to check out getflywheel/local-addon-notes.

More to come on this soon!

Lightning Services API

To pave the way for hot-swappable services such as PHP and MySQL versions, we are introducing the Lightning Services API.

It’s all under the hook (and powered by @getflywheel/local!) at this point, so you won’t notice much with Local Beta 5.1.0.

Be on the lookout for PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.7, and other new services in upcoming releases!

Router Mode

Depending on how your device is set up, you may not be able to bind on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) due to conflicts with other local web servers.

Or, maybe due to anti-virus policy set by your IT department, you’re unable to edit the hosts file.

In the past, there haven’t been great workarounds for these issues aside from shutting down conflicting services or disabling anti-virus.

Router Mode is a new option under Preferences » Advanced. The default is Pretty Domains, which is how Local has behaved in the past.

The new mode is “localhost” which will disable the need for the routing layer entirely and allow you to connect directly to the web server for a particular site. The primary downside of localhost routing at the moment is that HTTPS/SSL cannot be used alongside localhost routing.

Additional Improvements

  • Re-added Add-ons to vertical navigation
  • Remove unused menu items on Linux
  • During a site import or pull, SQL import failures no longer cause the entire import/pull to fail as long as at least one SQL file imports successfully.
  • Re-add potentially missing database constants/variables to wp-config.php during import

Bug Fixes

  • Various styling fixes in the UI
  • Fixed issue where enter and escape keys wouldn’t work with prompts/confirmations

2 posts were split to a new topic: Can Local Beta run alongside existing versions of Local (3.3.0 and 5.0.x)?

5 posts were split to a new topic: 5.1.0 First Impressions

A post was split to a new topic: Error when trying to access Add-ons tab