Local for teams - flywheel

Hello Community,

I have a “stupid” problem and I am really confused. We have created an organization in flywheel with a paid subscription for local teams.

I have downloaded the latest local (5.6.2) and I am trying to connect to flywheel, in order to join the team. Of course, I am trying to do so with the email that is registered under my organization, at flywheel.

The only option that I see in Local, is to connect to hub. Once I am clicking to connect to hub, I am getting redirected to https://hub.localwp.com/login and when I am inserting the company email (which is registered in my organization, at flywheel), I am receiving that this email doesn’t exists. When I am trying to create a new account, asks as second step to add a credit card in order to upgrade to pro, but I already have local for teams.

I understand that I do something completely wrong, can anyone help me?


Hey Alexandros, sorry for the confusion!

You actually should go to the ‘Connect’ tab of Local (its on the left side bar) to activate Local for Teams instead of Hub. If you do have any other questions since you have Local for Teams, you can also hit up Flywheel support for additional help.

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