Local hangs up in "Starting up Service Settings"


I’m trying to use Local for the first time. I create a new site but the program is stuck while starting up service settings. I’ve tried to unistall and reinstall the program a few times, but still the problem. When I close and open Local, a warning appears: “Missing hosts entry. This site may be innaccesible.”. I press the !fix it" button but nothings happens.

I’m working on Windows 11 with the latest version of Local (9.0.5).

Please, help me! I’ve found some topics like this in the forums but with no solution!

Thank you very much!

I’ve tried creating a second site but the same problem.

Local Logs

local-lightning-verbose.log (50.7 KB)

Hi @crbarsan99

It seems like there might be an issue with the Hosts File. Can you check and see if it’s set to Read Only?

There might also be some other blockers like do you have any other security, antivirus or firewall applications in place?

Hi @Nick-B, thank you for answer!

I’ve tried with the two options, but nothing. The “Read-only” attribute of the hosts file was already unchecked:

I’ve turned off the antivirus, and checked the firewall, but still the problem:

Are you using this machine as an admin user?

Is this work/company issued hardware?

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

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