Local is not connecting my sites any more

Local is not connecting to my local sites any more and get following error


  • Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one in particular?
    For all of them and I have 2.

  • Are you able to create a new, plain WordPress site in Local and access it in a Browser?


How can I upload screenshot?

System Details

  • Which version of Local is being used?
    The latest and btw, I could not find where to get that ingo on the software.

  • What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used?

    • macOS High Sierra V.10.13.6
  • Attach the Local Log. See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:

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I’m having the same problem. I am sending my log for more details: local-lightning.log (84.6 KB)

Hey @ramonmatoslima and @alexmartinezrami – Welcome to the Local Community Forums!

I’m not seeing anything obviously wrong in @ramonmatoslima’s Local log – can you describe in a little more detail what’s going on? If you have a screenshot of the error you are seeing, can you upload it?

@alexmartinezrami – Can you describe in a little more detail what the error is? The link to http://elderechoapedaleo.local/ isn’t showing anything for me. If you can take a screenshot and upload it using the “Upload” icon here that would be helpful. Here’s a screenshot of the upload icon:


If you are able to get the Local log, that would be helpful in letting us know what things Local is encountering.

Hi Ben.
Just had to create another website and guess what… Local now is connecting to all my 3 sites.
However, I´m still having by default the adding of:

/?cache-buster=xxxx (each time is a different 4 digits)

Like this:

If there I click on Start page, then shows just the right way as follows:


Thanks for your support in case you can find out what was the problem, but for the time been, is working OK.


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